Sarah Palin Complete Zodiac Natal Horoscope

offical palm reader photo of Sarah Palin
If you are looking for the Complete Zodiac Natal Horoscope chart for Sarah Palin here it is.

Sarah Palin was a whistleblower on ethical violations by state Republican Party leaders. She won election in 2006 by defeating the incumbent governor in the Republican primary, then a former Democratic Alaskan governor in the general election.

Palin is the second female major party nominee for Vice President (the first was Democrat Geraldine Ferraro in 1984) and the first Republican. She will be the first female elected to the executive office of vice president. The highest any woman has achieved. You go girl!

Palm Reader is proud to present Sarah’s chart for your perusal.

Natal Zodiac Chart For: Sarah Palin, Date: 02/11/1964, Time: 12:00 AM. Country: USA, State or Region: Idaho, Location: Sandpoint. Geographic Coordinates
48.18 N, 117.0 W, GMT Difference = 7:0.


Time Used For House Calculations Was 20:36:34.

This is a Tropical Zodiac. House Method is M House.


Your Ascendant si

gn is 7.12 degrees Gemini and is in Direct motion.
You are intellectually competitive and can talk circles around anyone on almost any topic. You need frequent changes to feel alive. Refined lover.


Your Sun sign is 22.5 degrees Aquarius and is in Direct motion.
You are unconventional, always thinking of others first, but in a detached sort of way. That detachment gives you the freedom you need to do your own thing. You are always on the lookout for a better idea.

Your Sun is in the Third House, Intercepted and Less Important.
You are out to make your mark in life in any activity that you can show off your brilliant mind. You prefer difficult subjects; love to talk, teach, and travel. You are close to your brothers and sisters.


Your Moon sign is 1.12 degrees on the cusp between Capricorn and Aquarius and is in Direct motion.
You enjoy many friendships, especially when you can keep them from becoming attachments. You want freedom to explore new solutions to the problems of the human condition. Be selective in the causes that you choose to follow.
You take everything so seriously that you come across to others as a cold fish. You try to offset your shyness and insecurity by setting ambitious goals, which you then set out to reach by hard work and dedication.

Your Moon is in the Third House, Intercepted and Less Important.
You enjoy things that take your mind away form the monotony of life. You can easily become dependent on others whose ideas fire your imagination your brothers, sisters, and neighbors are important in your life.


Your Mercury sign is 1.17 degrees on the cusp between Capricorn and Aquarius and is in Direct motion.
Your thoughts are unbiased by personal considerations, since you trust in the higher order of Truth. You can accept your intuitive decisions without requiring a rational support for your choices.
Your thoughts focus on the practical aspects of the problem at hand. You arrive at your decisions by a methodical evaluation of each step needed to reach
your ambitious goals. Guard against depression.

Your Mercury is in the Third House, Intercepted and Less Important.
Your activities center around your abilities to communicate effectively with others, mostly right off the top of your head. Your are a problem solver, and you probably have very large phone bills to show for it.


Your Venus sign is 1.7 degrees on the cusp between Aries and Pisces and is in Direct motion.
Your affections are so easily aroused–and your responses are so immediate, that you seem to be aggressive or flirtatious. Your need for excitement in your romantic involvements may get you involved in several at once.
You are so in love with love that you never think to ask your partners’ intentions in a relationship. Your strong need for affection often places you in the position of being used or rejected by a thoughtless partner.

Your Venus is in the Fourth House, Intercepted and Less Important.
Your contact with others centers around your domestic scene. You take special pride in decorating your home with the finest you can afford. You have strong ties to your parents. Properties bring you wealth late in life.


Your Mars sign is 23.16 degrees Aquarius and is in Direct motion.
You spread your energies across a variety of group activities, each of which aspires to some higher humanitarian objective. You need the freedom to follow any path that might open. You share your sexuality with many.

Your Mars is in the Third House, Intercepted and Less Important.
You have a keen mind which enjoys the test of intellectual competition or the challenge of emergency situations. You would enjoy the political scene or investigative journalism. You quarrel with siblings.


Your Jupiter sign is 16.36 degrees Aries and is in Direct motion.
You need the freedom to express your enthusiasm for the higher values in life. Your optimistic approach and your self-assurance inspire confidence in others, who then select you for leadership positions in worthy causes.

Your Jupiter is in the Fifth House, Intercepted and Less Important.
Your activities center on bringing education and pleasure to others, especially the children. Your romantic interests often involve someone with money or position. You play the stock market, or you gamble.


Your Saturn sign is 25.17 degrees Aquarius and is in Direct motion.
You resent restraints on your freedom of action or thought. You can deal with intellectual topics or personal matters, giving each the benefit of your full attention. Your originality spawns new discoveries.

Your Saturn is in the Third House, Intercepted and Less Important.
Whatever you do, you do it in a deliberate, and disciplined way–you even talk slowly so you can think about every word that you say. You would do well in methodical work involving research on difficult subjects.


Your Uranus sign is 8.35 degrees Virgo and is in Retrograde motion.
You often come up with creative solutions to problems at work. You enjoy things that demand your careful attention to detail. Your talents are useful in either the scientific or business enterprises.
As a result of Uranus having been in retrograde motion, you spend a lot of time reviewing the past, rather than dealing with the present or the future. You feel that the only way you can make progress is to avoid making the same mistakes over again. Your past often does make an unexpected reappearance.

Your Uranus is in the Ninth House, Intercepted and Less Important.
You have an independent mind. You can come up with such original insights that it borders on genius. Your enthusiasm can sometimes get out of hand, leading people to consider you a crank. Guard against accidents.


Your Neptune sign is 17.49 degrees Scorpio and is in Direct motion.
This generation must resolve the struggle between its strong sexual desires and its equally strong need for spiritual regeneration.

Your Neptune is in the Twelfth House, Intercepted and Less Important.
You often feel that you are connected with higher sources–leading you to prefer the privacy of secluded surroundings. That does not preclude your need for a special soul-mate, of this world or the next.


Your Pluto sign is 13.47 degrees Virgo and is in Retrograde motion.
This generation is concerned with the reexamination of our social systems to see if they can be made to work by a more sensible use of our technologies.
As a result of Pluto having been in retrograde motion, you prefer subtle approaches toward achieving your goals. Your effort at self-improvement is a private matter rather than a public display.

Your Pluto is in the Ninth House, Intercepted and Less Important.
You have a strong interest in reforming the social order into a more idealistic system. Your insights are excellent but are too philosophical to provide a basis for a practical course of action.


Your North Node sign is 9.8 degrees Cancer and is in Direct motion.
You need to use more emotionality, reach out and become more sensitive toward people’s feelings.

Your North Node is in the Eighth House, Intercepted and Less Important.
You need to learn how to deal with your joint finances. You tend to let your partner take care of all the joint financial matters. This will tend to stunt your development in this area.


Your South Node sign is 9.8 degrees Capricorn and is in Direct motion.
You need to overcome your tendencies toward emotional cool-aloofness, indifference, selfishness, and ambition without concern for others.

Your South Node is in the Second House, Intercepted and Less Important.
You need to replace old outdated financial patterns which tend to reduce your ability to grow financially.


Your Medium Coeli sign is 6.44 degrees Aquarius and is in Direct motion.
You have a strong interest in other-worldly or “New Age” types of careers, where your new, inventive approach and philosophy will be accepted. You are viewed as an “Intellectual” and you tend to do well in group situations.


Your Immum Coeli sign is 6.44 degrees Leo and is in Direct motion.
You have pride in your family heritage and home. To you, love, loyalty, warmth and generosity are natural parts of a happy family life. You can really be into lavish home entertainment.


Your Part of Fortune sign is 16.19 degrees Taurus and is in Direct motion.
Provided your Part of Fortune is not afflicted, areas involving art, beauty, or comforts of all kinds might be good for you. You may also be successful as a singer or dealing with money.

Your Part of Fortune is in the Sixth House, Intercepted and Less Important.
Areas of interest would be health, diets, sickness, disease, capacity for work and service. Also affected are jobs and ability to do and get jobs, pets, animals and caring for animals.


House Cusp # 1: 01SAG11 House Cusp # 2: 29SAG49
House Cusp # 3: 29CAP10 House Cusp # 4: 00PIS20
House Cusp # 5: 02ARI34 House Cusp # 6: 03TAU17
House Cusp # 7: 01GEM11 House Cusp # 8: 29GEM49
House Cusp # 9: 29CAN10 House Cusp # 10: 06AQU44
House Cusp # 11: 02LIB34 House Cusp # 12: 03SCO17


Your First House Cusp is 1 on the Cusp Between Sagittarius and Scorpio.
This position gives the individual a straight-forward manner, eagerness, optimism, exuberance and a sense of humor. These people tend to be idealistic
independent and outspoken.
This position gives the individual fearlessness, passion, sense of purpose, inflexibility along with a penetrating insight. This individual is also
secretive and rather capable.

Your Second House Cusp is 29 on the Cusp Between Sagittarius and Capricorn.
This indicates that you have little common sense as far as money goes, but you tend to have very good luck in finances. You are a “Free Spender”.
This indicates that your ambition is directed toward making money and building assets. You handle your financial matters in a very cautious conservative manner.

Your Third House Cusp is 29 on the Cusp Between Capricorn and Aquarius.
This gives you good concentration, and a clear mind. You are good at planning. You speak your mind rather carefully and deliberately. You study topics which are practical. You are more interested in your own problems than your siblings and are usually distant from your neighbors.
This gives you a progressive mind and independent thought. Your mind is not limited by prejudice and tradition, your ideas are advanced, but you tend to be stubborn and opinionated. Though your concentration is good, your study habits are erratic. You are friendly to family and neighbors, but fail to get involved with them.

Your Fourth House Cusp is 0 on the Cusp Between Pisces and Aquarius.
You have a need for a relaxed, quiet, peaceful home environment, free of fighting and strife. Your family affairs tend to be rather disorganized and the
house is cluttered.
You have a very friendly home, with may friends around. Your family interest are rather unconventional, and your family affairs do not have much regard for tradition, though your decor is apt to be contemporary.

Your Fifth House Cusp is 2 on the Cusp Between Aries and Pisces.
You have an active impetuous love life with strong romances. You may take excessive risks and may risk money gambling. Though you are impatient, you are warm toward children. You are apt to have male children.
You tend to have sentimental romantic attachments or secret love affairs. You tend to follow your heart and not your head. You are often a victim of
unrequited love. You tend to be lucky in gambling but you push your luck to far and lose money. You will tend to have children, probably female. Though you love children, they will cause you much pain and heartache.

Your Sixth House Cusp is 3 Taurus.
You are a steady reliable employee, and don’t miss work without a valid reason. You follow job procedures and rules. You can give orders as well as follow them but you prefer to give them. You are prone to throat problems and need to watch your environment.

Your Seventh House Cusp is 1 on the Cusp Between Gemini and Taurus.
You will probably have more than one marriage or other partner in your life. You tend to seek intellectually compatible business and marriage partners. Your common interests are likely to be of an intellectual nature.
You consider money and other material factors in deciding on marriage and other partners. You are very conscious of the financial implications in any
“Marriage”, and seek stability and security in them.

Your Eighth House Cusp is 29 on the Cusp Between Gemini and Cancer.
You will benefit from a variety of family sources and death benefits. Your partners’s money-making ability will help your finances.
This indicates an inheritance from your parents or family. Your partner’s leaning toward caution and conservation will tend to help your finances.

Your Ninth House Cusp is 29 on the Cusp Between Cancer and Leo.
You are emotionally stirred by your belief systems. This tends to enhance the spiritual impact on religion and philosophy. You tend to accept your in-laws as a part of your family.
You have an optimistic, rather ego/self-centered philosophy and outlook. You have a great deal of faith in yourself. You are attracted to religion because of the pomp and circumstance. You try to be friendly with your in-laws, but will put up with no interference from them.

Your Tenth House Cusp is 6 Aquarius.
You have a strong interest in other-worldly or “New Age” types of careers, where your new, inventive approach and philosophy will be accepted. You are viewed as an “Intellectual” and you tend to do well in group situations.

Your Eleventh House Cusp is 2 on the Cusp Between Libra and Virgo.
You have a sense of social charm and grace. You make friends with people who share your exquisite sense of taste. You tend to join artistic and cultural types of organizations.
You are rather shy and apprehensive about making friends and joining groups. You tend to choose co-workers as friends who share common interests with you.

Your Twelfth House Cusp is 3 Scorpio.
This position causes you a real possibility of suffering from hidden enemies. You are a powerful foe against your enemies, though you in the end may undo yourself through your anger, resentment and unbridled passions.

Your Scout Planet is Mercury.
You have to know everything about something before you can deal with it. So you study books and magazines and you talk to everyone, just to learn all you can. You are attentive to your appearance, and aware of the impression you make on others. You think things out carefully before you act.


Count of Signs in Genders:
Feminine Signs 3 Masculine Signs 7
You are an outgoing person with a charming gift of gab. You are a self-starter, concerned with setting things right in the world. However, you are more of an idealist than a practical doer. You depend on your charm and humor to win people over, rather than on persuasive arguments. Your motives are seldom in question, but your impractical approaches are. That’s unfortunate, since you have the ability to take something from the planning stage to its completion. The problem is that you don’t usually stay with a project long enough to finish it. Your love of excitement and new challenges lead you to other things, and often to the edge of exhaustion. You must learn to take the time to recharge your batteries. It would help you even more if you learned to tap into your normally neglected emotional reserves. That would really bring you into balance and bring stability to your daily living.

Count of Signs in Elements:
Fire Signs 2 Earth Signs 2
Air Signs 5 Water Signs 1
You are an “idea person” who focuses on the larger things in life. Your agile mind scoops up thousands of facts and quickly sorts out the significant from the insignificant. You’re on the lookout for anything that can make life more meaningful to mankind. (You’re less concerned about any one person.) You can think fast and clearly, and you can organize your life down to the smallest detail. Once you understand something (and you can understand almost anything!) you take special joy in communicating it to anyone who will listen. objectivity is your passion. You use your mind like a surgeon’s knife to cut away any irrelevancy. Unfortunately, many of your “irrelevancies” are the emotional enrichments of life. But emotions only confuse you; especially your own.
Your friends find your objectivity more like indifference or detachment You often have to think and rethink something again and again, before you are
willing to make a commitment. Yet you work well with all sorts of people because you don’t get involved with them.

Count of Signs in Qualities:
Cardinal Signs 2 Fixed Signs 6
Mutable Signs 2
You have already chosen your goal in life. the problem is that your goal is so far in the future that you can’t see how your daily struggles are getting you any closer to it. Since you are a “one-idea person” with intense sense of purpose. You have to guard against falling into the stubborn pursuit of a “one-track life”. On the positive side, you have enormous powers of concentration and will stay with something long after everyone else has given up and left the scene. Yours is the kind of determination that often seeks out some cause to support. The more noble the cause, the more you enjoy your self-sacrifice, dedication,
and perseverance in support of that cause. Choose your causes wisely.

Count of Planets in Various Hemispheres:
North Houses 7 South Houses 3
East Houses 6 West Houses 4
You are a balanced person. You don’t find it hard to live with the conditions imposed on you by others. But then, too, you don’t find it hard to change things when you feel that others are crowding you. You like your privacy, but you also need friends. You can enjoy yourself by being alone with a good book, or by working on a committee to raise funds for a worthy cause. You have learned how to go along with the wishes of others without sacrificing your own best interests.

Count of Functional Houses:
Individual Houses 3 Relative Houses 5
Temporal Houses 0 Terminal Houses 2
You are a well-balanced person. Enthusiasm will be tempered by practicality, and logic will be tempered by emotions. You can get very excited about planning a vacation, or you can cancel a vacation without remorse if it becomes necessary to do so. You think things out carefully before coming to a decision; but you can also make a decision impulsively. You live your life in the here-and-now, unconcerned by memories of the past or by warnings of the future.

Count of Modal Houses:
Cadent Houses 8 Angular Houses 1
Succedent Houses 2
You are a self motivated, ambitious, and enterprising realist who likes nothing better than to be in on the ground floor of a promising new business or organization. Your ability to act decisively stems from your quick perception of the potentials for action in any situation. You become impatient with delays imposed by what you feel to be needless concerns for the future consequences of your decisions. Your boundless ambitions are often frustrated by your restless nature and your inability to cope with unexpected problems. If almost all your planets are in the cardinal signs, you should guard against butting into
everyone’s business where, by this time, you should recognize that you are not welcome.

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